
Maria Amalia Wood 

Wood table painted with acrylic, pulp sprayed and embedded with pulp painted paper, wrapped with cotton sheets, coated with linseed oil, dyed with indigo and turmeric


Photo credits: Aliza Rand

Over a simple dining room table, we can have conversations layered with experiences both joyful and challenging. Listening to the women’s stories of immigration reminded of the weathering process that happened to my home in Honduras after my family immigrated to the United States. Peeling paint, cracking, chipping, oxidizing and other wear and tear
processes created stratified textures on the interior and exterior of the house.  The walls on my home were decaying because the only person who could take care of them, my ninety one year old grandma, was also deteriorating. Home is Tita Melida, and when she’s gone, my connection to that place will also vanish.

Now, when I see layered surfaces, whatever environment I am in, I am filled with nostalgia and memories of a remembered place.